How I Boosted My PR Success: Proven Tips for Founders

By Charlotte Stavrou

Learning how to PR yourself is a skill every Founder needs. Don’t get me wrong, I am all for hiring the right PR agency for bigger launches, but when you’re bootstrapped during the early days, DIY-ing it can change your business.

PR is an essential tool for founders looking to make their mark. Here’s how I increased the chances of people responding to me and publishing PR about me:

  1. Craft your unique founder story

Firstly, I identified what set me apart as a founder. Creating a compelling and unique story about what you do, your why, your overall journey, and the challenges you’ve faced is essential. This is essentially learning how to sell yourself, which is key. People connect with stories, not just products or services.

2. Define your PR goals

I got clear on why I wanted PR. For me, it was about getting clients, but your goals might include thought leadership, industry recognition, or networking opportunities. Understanding your ‘why’ will help you create targeted and effective PR efforts. Don’t fish for PR aimlessly; ensure it all fits within your broader business plan.

3. Optimise your social media profiles

I optimised my social media by creating content that reflected the image I wanted to project. This involved updating my bio and highlights, deleting any irrelevant content, and ensuring my profile was polished before reaching out to potential PR opportunities. Your social media presence is often the first impression people get, so make it count..

Check out our full Founder’s Guide, available on our shop

With these tips, let this be your sign to start PR-ing yourself and spreading the word about your story. If you’re ready to dive deeper, our Founder Pack is here to guide you every step of the way. It’s an investment in your future success, giving you all the tools and strategies you need thrive as a thought leader in your industry. Whether you’re just starting or looking to refine your approach, the Founder Pack has you covered. Creator Club members get an extra 20% off!

The Founder Pack gives you instant access to:

  • Personal Brand Strategy Template

  • Optimise Your Platforms for Speaking Opportunities Guide

  • Platform Cheat Sheets - TikTok, Instagram, YouTube & Pinterest

  • How to PR Yourself Guide

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